Leva User Success Stories

Leva holds me accountable because I have a coach and an app that tracks my progress. It’s great to have a visual that allows me to see progress and improvement.”

age 45

Leva has given me the ability to fix and take back control of my bladder. I’d recommend it to any woman experiencing bladder issues.”

age 42

“The ability to [use Leva] in the privacy of my home and see the results with my own eyes is encouraging and has allowed me to reconnect to a part of my body I have felt separated from for many years.”

age 54

“I started to notice improvements almost immediately. My bladder doesn’t feel quite as full and the leakage has slowed down significantly.”

age 66

“I used to use pads when I went to the gym, but I always worried that I smelled bad. Now I don’t leak anymore! This worked so much better and faster than I thought it would. Leva teaches you how to control your own body. It’s like a personal trainer for muscles you can’t see. I wish I’d tried Leva sooner. I had been leaking a little for years after having my kids, and thought it was unavoidable, so it’s huge to not have to worry about it anymore. What if someone says something funny and I laugh? What if I sneeze? Now I don’t need to think about things like that!”

Leva User
age 47

“The encouragement from my provider and her certainty that Leva could help me was most compelling. I would not have known about Leva otherwise. She was right; it helped me. The instructions are very clear, so it’s easy to follow the plan. The daily tips are helpful. You can easily find 2-3 min twice a day to commit to Leva. I felt like I had a cheerleader rooting for me. It kept me motivated to continue. Leva is worth the time and effort to help you feel stronger. The program does work, and I am very happy I did it. I have more control over feelings of urgency and many less episodes of leaking.”

Leva User
age 63

“I tried Kegels prior to Leva, but it was hard to know how to do them correctly and frequently enough. Leva made it easy to do the right frequency and duration. I’m finding less frequency of urination and less leakage with sneezing and coughing. The most compelling part of Leva was being able to do it in the privacy of my home. It was much less hassle than finding and going to a PT provider. My doctor recommended it, and I would tell her to continue to do so for other patients. It was worth the time and expense.”

Leva User
age 38

“I saw improved strength as I progressed through the 12 weeks. Thank you for recommending this program. It has improved my situation. I just feel stronger and more in control. It has also helped manage my bowels. The convenience of being able to do the exercises in the privacy of my own home and the ability to see my progress over the course of the program was wonderful. I would highly recommend this program.”

Leva User
age 68

Leva met my expectations. I no longer have to use pads for leaking. It has worked fantastic. I did not want surgery, but I wanted to have the ability to work out again without incontinence…and Leva helped with giving me that ability back. I couldn’t believe how well Leva worked to give me the confidence to go about my day without wearing a pad for unexpected leaks. Extremely grateful this product worked!”

Leva User
age 40

“I think all women should use Leva after having children. It’s an easy way to rebuild pelvic floor strength and easy enough to fit into a mom’s daily routine. I actually wish I started with Leva over PT.”

Leva User
age 37

“My prescribing medical provider’s recommendation persuaded me to take the leap and it’s been well worth it. I’m much better educated than I expected, feel I have ongoing tools, and have seen great results. That progress was measurable, and the support was robust and proactive. I was feeling really anxious about my bladder leakage in regard to my long-term health. I really appreciate that Leva addresses such an essential element of women’s health that is so often neglected or swept under the rug.”

Leva User
age 52

“The Leva System has helped me improve my incontinence. Being someone who has suffered with incontinence, has done Kegels, had physical therapy and yet continued to suffer with incontinence, the Leva System – recommended by my urogynecologist – was instrumental in improving my goal. I appreciated the measurements that Leva gives you. With every use l was motivated to hold for a longer time and lift a little higher.”

Leva User
age 65

“My symptoms have improved immensely! My incontinence issues were getting worse, and I had gone from using light pads to heavier incontinence pads. I was using the bathroom at least once an hour during the day and a few times at night. Since using Leva, I am now experiencing better control and less trips to the bathroom. So I’m glad my doctor put me on this program. Such an embarrassing health issue and this was such an easy way to improve without meds. So effective!”

Leva User
age 53

Leva has met my goal 100%. Now I can control my laugh and my cough and not get wet. My Coach was the best. She helped me so much and kept pushing me to do this. I want to take a moment to thank my doctor for recommending Leva. Keep recommending it! It’s the best thing that was ever prescribed for me. I was considering an operation for this problem and now I’m very happy I didn’t and that I used Leva first.”

Leva User
age 48